jackson and I have been trying our best to recall what we did last year for our 3rd anniversary....to no avail. sad, but true. (poor-graduate students don't go out to fancy dinners, can you tell??)
i'm sure whatever it was, we had fun :)
(this year, we had sushi, the largest piece of chocolate cake in birmingham, and laughed. official celebration via the beach to follow this summer.)
ATTN: jackson is now a "real" engineer. for real. he will now be wearing his hard-hat at all times. so proud of him.
the back porch redo is almost complete, and dining and lounging outside is now much more fun. we still have the classic butterfly chair which needs a new cover. so 70's- i love those!
i have been pure barre-ing lately, and it has been amazing. basically, a mix of pilates, yoga and ballet but way more ass-kicking! wish i could afford the classes- so i do the DVD's in my living room with lola and mia. my work-out club.

nearly finished with another semester (with a 4.0 to boot)
working diligently on lola's training- (for anyone who thinks we let her get away with everything- we don't- and we want her to have proper manners)
praying, hard for the best opportunities for my engineer
planning a ladies vacation!!!
going blonde-ish a la manana!
ordered this after hearing so much uproar over it's amazing powers. should have done so sooner!